Wednesday 22 May 2013

Principal George Jeffreys crusades after Elim

From 1939 Principle George Jeffreys led the Bible-Pattern Church Fellowship (which he founded) and the World Revival Crusade. He continued to hold a punishing schedule of meetings, though, because the Elim churches were now closed to him, he hired halls or used a big tent as he had done at the beginning. Every Easter from 1942 to 1961 he preached several times at Westminster Central Hall, London, and more many times filled it. There were almost sixty Bible-Pattern congregations and they stood for Pentecostal doctrine and local church government. Jeffreys himself had developed diabetes in the 1930s but this hardly slowed him down and, when the war ended, he was free to travel overseas.

He was in Belfast in 1945 and 2600 packed the Royal Hippodrome. Large crowds heard him in France (1946, 1948, 1950) and Switzerland (1947, 1948, 1950) and he preached in the USA, Canada, Belgium, and Palestine. He opposed the formation of the World Pentecostal Conference in 1947 and the World Council of Churches.

He wrote Healing Rays in 1932 and Pentecostal Rays in 1933, setting out his teaching on divine healing and the Holy Spirit. He died quietly after being served his breakfast by his housekeeper Mrs Pike (who gave us this infomation), of a coronary thrombosis, at his home, 8 Clarence Avenue, Clapham, on 26 January 1962. His house keeper returned to collect his breakfast tray to find that the prince as he was known to his close friends had gone to his reward.

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